Image may contain: Rccg HC Huddersfield, smiling, standing

I once read that somewhere in Europe and close to the Mediterranean Sea, the missionaries who were the first to preach the gospel there were astonished to hear the people talk about the Messiah. The missionaries asked them how they got to know of the Messiah.

The people told them that their long dead fathers welcomed a ‘man’ who walked on water to arrive at their shore. He told them many things and asked them to remain true and faithful. And that one day, he would send some people to come and stay with them to teach them about the Messiah who died and lived to save the human race from their corruption. The man went back the same way he came.....walked away on the water.

The missionaries were shocked to hear the part of a ‘man who arrived walking on water and went back walking on the water.

The community had waited almost 2 centuries before the first missionaries came bringing the gospel. The good thing was...they never stopped looking out. And they easily believed and accepted the message of the gospel a man that walked on water told their great great great grandparents.

Anyway, where was Jesus coming from the night his disciples saw him walking on the water thinking he was a ghost?

Well....I don’t have the answer....but your conjecture may be plausible.

Truth is, HE is still at work.

A Brazilian woman who attended our WHITE programme last Thursday held my hands and started declaring stuffs that only the man who walked on the water could have told her. She told me to continue to trust Him and remain faithful. She prayed and prophesied telling me what soothsayers could not have seen or known and I was like ‘wow’!

The man who walked the water has never stopped working. He is still visiting places and people in the most difficult areas that the gospel has not been able to penetrate!

Don’t worry, the walls of your heart are not too strong to stop him from coming into your life. Give him a chance and accept him as your Lord and Saviour. Simple.

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